I read something that somewhat took away my main reason to believe in a Creator.
So I started a thorough research project to find more and better arguments to believe in Jehovah the Creator. I found none.
What I did find what the multitude of dishonest quotes in Watchtower publications regarding evolution.
That dishonesty triggered me to dig deeper, trying to find evidence of the Bible being inspired, and Jehovah's Witnesses are the one true religion.
I found nothing but fallacies, deception, dishonesty, cover-ups, hidden scandals and confirmation bias.
I left JW because I value truth and honesty more than my social life.
I left JW because I have been taught to take a stand for truth and righteousness, so I did.
Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm not gay, have not cheated on my wife, and have no problem with any individual JW.
As for your friend: it's way easier on his mind to blame others for leaving, than to acknowledge he may be wrong.